Wednesday, April 15, 2009

just a little update..

I haven't been creating lately - and I'm cool with it ;) The picture above I took from my inlaws front door {that's lake Erie} the white birds are terns
the ducks in the water are I'm thinking wood ducks?

I've been trying to share my time evenly with the kids and hubster, as well as friends, and keeping the fort! -not as easy for some- {including me!}

We had an insanely busy Easter weekend - driving here and there and everywhere -over 300km from fri-sun ~needless to say I do not want to get into the car and I have to do a few errands today :sigh:


hope you have a great day!!


{S} said...

you are very blessed

marcibun said...

Wow, the weather looks great. : )

About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.