Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a little behind ~what else it new?

Al's first day of Junior Kindergarten was Monday Sept. 14 (day after her 4th b-day)

- apparently 2 boys had a scuffle and the one absolutely REFUSED to appologize. These 2 apparently are friends outside of school and I'm thinking it would be logical to seperate them - as their are 2 JK classes. Anyway, Ally seemed to have a good day, she was pretty tired out, but perservered and made it through her first back to dance class too! She moved up from 45 min. to 90 mins. Since it was bring a friend night, she had her bff with her, Tori. I'm not sure how this is going to pan out this year, as the class seems VERY large and the abilities are extremely varied. Hopefully she'll figure it out. ;)

I'm feeling crazy frazzled lately. I think I need to see the dr. {deep sigh}


Donna said...

I love that Ally's shoes match her backpack! What a little fashion icon she is!
Great pic of them both!

Molly said...

OH. MY. GOSH! They are so big! Ally's a cutie patootie and such a handsome big brother! They both look so ready for school. :-)

{S} said...

always so much drama!! The kids look great, it's going to be a fantastic year for them!

About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.