Sunday, May 16, 2010

almost done!

yesterday dh and I got the living half of the basement/den area cleaned, reorganized and decluttered - today I spent tidying and purging my creative end of the basement/den and I am proud to say that I am *SO* close to being done! :D you can't see the drafting table as it still needs to be cleared a bit more.
I am unsure if I am going to have the hubster fold it up or not...
whew! aside from the fact that it's WAY too cold down here,
I actually feel good about how it looks! :)


Sassette said...

WTG Jen! Things are looking good! Nice productive day of tidying and cleaning...will only mean more productivity and creating in the days to come!

Laurie (Wally) said...

WOW looks good..I always love a clean work space...

About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.