Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan 10 ***400th POST!***

man, I don't know if I can keep this up! lol
bwahahahha who am I kidding? my life is full of crap to type about ;) {grin}
this morning I was hoping Ally~cat would be back to school but I'm not incredibly surprised that she's home again... fingers crossed for WEDNESDAY!!!
6 days off in a row are 5 too many!
This morning we had a flat tire on the car. Instead of dh taking the truck he changed the tire.
now, don't forget, it's COLD out there!
-13*C (windchill -20*C)
I took pics of him {through the window of course}
and all I kept thinking was "ooOh FUDGE!"
til later ;)

1 comment:

:::b r a n d i::: said...

wow, that's cold. I would have left it flat until spring.

About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.