Thursday, April 28, 2011

i know... i KNOW!

I realize that I haven't blogged in a while - but I've been busy, and I haven't had a lot to really share about. ok, I'm lying but whatever! :P
maybe I'll post more soon, but still same old crap for the most part.
Are you ready for the big wedding?
I'm totally getting up at 3am to do my make up and hair - just not sure if I should wear it up or down? I don't want to insult the bride ;) I think my wedding gown should still fit - it's been almost 11 1/2 years but I think my weight has shifted ;) might be bigger in some places!
I'm totally going barefoot tho. I think it is a great idea... speaking of barefoot I learned online this week there's totally a REAL thing called barefoot running - and there's ACTUAL marathon's that people do BAREFOOT!?! tell me that's not crazy!
ya so whatever...

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About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.