Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Isn't it crazy how when a new month starts, it seems like you wonder where previous month disappeared to? man, I can't believe it's MAY - already?
I want to give a shout of congratulations out to my friend Ann and T on the birth of their sweet bundle of boy!!! :D you are going to be an awesome momma Ann {MUCH LOVE & HUGS}
I'm usually only a tweet away ;) if you need/want me :D
On May 2nd I worked the election for the first time it wasn't a great experience, wasn't TERRIBLE, but I can't say I'd do it again.
Last night was mother son night at cubs - the D man helped make and serve supper to me and it wasn't too bad - i was surprised {or STARVING} was either the sketti & meatbulbs or my left arm ;)
guess i'd better get out in the sun for a bit - need my vitamin D

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About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.