Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd

6am post : as there could be more throughout the day

This new year is determined to keep me on my toes. It's just minutes past 6am right now and I've been awake since 4:something. I decided that it would be in my best interest to start going to bed earlier so figured 10pm sounded good - I failed last night. made it to bed just before 11:30 tossed and turned for 2 hours before Steve came to bed, then laid there listening to him snore for an hour and a half before I finally gave up looking at the clock - I'm pretty sure I slept for about an hour and then I was jolted awake by the disgusting sounds that come out of a human body that has consumed too much alcohol followed by drinking orange juice before passing out.

mad? a little.

disgusted? yes.

going to let it get me down? NO WAY!

I was reading a blog last night about choosing a word that you want to describe yourself for the year. I thought about it during the night and although I'm not completely decided I'm pretty sure my word for this year is going to be: POWER. It describes so many things that I want.

It's going to be one HECK of a long day! maybe I should make the lunches and rest on the couch til the brood awakes ;)


:::b r a n d i::: said...

Sorry you were awakened, and by *that*. Power sounds likea good word for you!

Laurie (Wally) said...

Ohhh Sounds like you had a night like have had many a nights... I love your word Jen... Power is perfect

Brandy Lees said...

Been there, done that. Hugs for you my friend. I'd a been sleeping with the kids. lol More POWER to you!

Donna said...

Platonic {{hugs}} for you my friend!
I am here for ya, if you need to vent or participate in extensive south of the border retail therapy.
Feel the POWER

About Me

I'm a 40 something year old chick taking the reins of my life.